Friday, March 29, 2013

Swimsuit Summer 2013

Hi Ladies,

Swim suit season is right around the corner. So I thought I'd share some super cute swim suit styles for this season.

Some of the swimsuits pictured below are pricey, but don't forget you can find tons of similar but affordable options at stores like Target, and online.

Swimsuit Summer 2013

Swimsuit Summer 2013 by th3gemchronicles featuring bikini lab

Note that fringe, nautical and tribal are very hot this season. I threw in the leopard print because it's a classic and looks great on bronzed skin!

I also wanted to share a recent purchase. To be honest, I really hate to spend money on swimsuits. Why? Because they get faded and outdated after one season of use. So I refuse to spend more than $30 total for a bikini.
I was browsing for swimsuits on Ebay and I came upon these styles, super trendy and only $10-$15 for the whole piece???
So I bought it in a large, black *because I have junk in the trunk*
It took a while for it to get here, because it was shipped from China, but it worked out because I wouldn't have worn it for a few months anyways.
This is what I got:
I think it looked better on the models, but don't they always?
It's not amazing quality, but it looks durable and isn't see-through. It is a tad bit too tight for me, but I think I need to wear it around the house and stretch it out a bit for it feel comfortable.

Here are some other styles they are selling on Ebay for similar prices:
Just type "swimsuits" into the Ebay search bar, and these should be some of the top results. 

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